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History of the Schnabel-Bredemeyer Family
An account by Lily Schnabel, née Bredemeyer (1947)
Translated by Adriana Van Leeuwen, née Hegge (1999, revised 2021)

Lily Schnabel was born in Leeuwarden in 1873 and passed away in Den Haag in 1957. In the late 1940's she decided to chronicle her family's history.  In her writings, she discloses the origins of her forebears, who came from The Netherlands and the bordering German states of North Rhine, Westphalia and Friesland.

The main paternal family names are Schnabel, Heyl, Tjaden and Braken who lived primarily in the towns Schiedam, Leiden, Meppen, Haren, Lathen, Emden. The maternal families include the names Bredemeyer, Arnold, Frambach and Claisen. They came from Leeuwarden, Vreden, Cologne, Elberfeld, Sontheim bei Heilbronn.

Lily Schnabel relates a wealth of information on individual members of her family and recounts numerous anecdotes relating to professions, characters and experiences of her diverse progeny.

The handwritten original was passed on to Lily's daughter Agnes Hegge, née Schnabel, who in turn bequeathed it to her daughter Adriana Van Leeuwen, née Hegge. In 1999, Addie Van Leeuwen translated the original into English, with her son Philip Van Leeuwen preparing the printed document. In 2021, minor corrections and additions were made and the document format was improved.

The whole story (6 MB)  ...



